Astronomical Sidenotes

(click on note # to get back to core content)
1. TS Eliot's The Wasteland as hypertext (external link) is the inspirational staring point. [[AstroMain#^004837]]

2. In some ways you can see how Edward Tufte promoted the use of sidenotes (external link) in his beautiful books on visual design. [[AstroMain#^004837]]

3. My desktop content management tool - Obsidian (external link) markdown knowledge base [[how I update this site#^0a5d7d]]

4. See the International Astronomical Union's official constellation definitions for boundaries [[AstroMain#^0fc36c]]

5. Here is an excellent historical pictorial brief (external link) of how constellations were defined classically. It's also good to remember that ancient Babylon, Egypt and other cultures had different names and patterns for the stars. [[A Constellation is not quite that Simple#^33098f]]

6. A number of scholarly works have been written on historical supernovae observations including Cas A [[A Constellation is not quite that Simple#^1df076]]